13 Mar 2022

Confidence Intervals

I begin this blog by giving a formal definition to Confidence Intervals, and then a detailed mathematical derivation to provide a more detailed insight into the significance of Confidence Intervals (CIs).

Formal Definition of Confidence Intervals

A definition of Confidence Intervals can be found in Larry Wasserman’s All of Statistics, Ch. 6: Models, Statistical Inference and Learning,

A $1-\alpha$ confidence interval for a parameter $\theta$ is an interval $C_{n} = (a,b)$ where $a = a(X_{1}, …., X_{n})$ and $b = b(X_{1}, …., X_{n})$ are functions of the data such that,

\[\mathbb{P}_{\theta}(\theta \in C_{n}) \geq 1 - \alpha, \; \forall \; \theta \in \Theta\]

In words, $(a,b)$ traps $\theta$ with a probability $1-\alpha$. We call $1-\alpha$ the coverage of the confidence interval.

By choosing an $\alpha$ of $0.05$, we say that the parameter $\theta$ lies within the confidence interval $C_{n}$ with a 95 percent probability.

Note $C_{n}$ is random and $\theta$ is fixed.

While the formal definition provides us with a basic understanding of Confidence Intervals, we are still left a little vague on certain aspects of this definition. For example,

  • Given a distribution of data $X_{1}, ….., X_{n}$, how are the bounds $a$ and $b$ for the CI defined?
  • What relation do these bounds have with $\alpha$ ? How does the choice of $\alpha$ define these bounds?
  • How exactly is parameter $\theta$ trapped within $C_{n} = (a,b)$ ?
  • How do we interpret a confidence interval? Clearly a CI cannot be a probability statement about $\theta$ since $\theta$ is a fixed quantity, not a random variable.

We now explore a detailed derivation of the CI of $n$ random variables, each R.V. is modelled by the Bernoulli distribution. In the pursuit of this derivation, we will try cover all 4 points raised above. I will try to be as elaborate as possible with the derivation, and add explanations where necessary.

Confidence Intervals for Bernoulli Distributed Random Variables

Let $X_{1}, …., X_{n} ~ Bernoulli(p)$ be $n$ Bernoulli distributed independent random variables parametrized by $p$. The parameter $p$ is also the expected value of this distribution. We can therefore ask the question, what is the maximum and minimum value that the average of the observed data deviates from the expected value $p$. In other words, can we find an upper and lower bound for the value of the observed average’s deviation from the expected value? Let’s represent this statement mathematically. For any $\epsilon > 0$, we quantify the magnitude of the observed average $ \bar{X} = n^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i}$ from the expected value $p$ as,

\[\mathbb{P}(\vert \bar{X}-p \vert > \epsilon)\]

We attempt to rewrite this inequality in a different manner as shown below,

\[\mathbb{P}(\vert \bar{X}-p \vert > \epsilon) = \mathbb{P}(\vert \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i} - p \vert > \epsilon)\] \[\mathbb{P}( \vert \bar{X}-p \vert > \epsilon) = \mathbb{P}( \vert \sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i} - np \vert > n \epsilon)\]

Coincidentally, we observe that $np$ can be written as $\mathbb{E}[\sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i}]$. This is because for $n$ independent Bernoulli trials,

\[\mathbb{E}[\sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i}] = \sum_{i=1}^{n}\mathbb{E}[X_{i}] = \sum_{i=1}^{n}p = np\]

Therefore, we can now rewrite the inequality as,

\[\mathbb{P}( \vert \bar{X}-p \vert > \epsilon) = \mathbb{P}\left( \bigg\vert \sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i} - \mathbb{E}[\sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i}] \bigg\vert > n \epsilon\right) \longrightarrow (1)\]

We can now use Hoeffding’s inequality to create an upper bound for this inequality. I’ll briefly introduce Hoeffding’s Inequality here, but you can refer to the Wikipedia page for a more detailed definition, along with a proof. Do it give it a read, it’s quite interesting!

Hoeffding’s Inequality

For a sum of independent random variables $X_{1}, …., X_{n}$, where $a_{i} \le X_{i} \le b_{i}$ Hoeffding’s inequality states that,

\[\mathbb{P}\left( \bigg\vert \sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i} - \mathbb{E}[\sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i}] \bigg\vert > \epsilon\right) < 2*exp \left( \frac{-2 t^{2}}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(b_{i} - a_{i})^{2}} \right)\]

where $t > 0$ is a constant.

We now apply Hoeffding’s Inequality to our problem. You can already see our reasoning for using this inequality to set upper bounds for equation $(1)$ based on the definition above. Applying Hoeffding’s inequality to the RHS of equation $(1)$,

\[\mathbb{P}\left( \bigg\vert \sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i} - \mathbb{E}[\sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i}] \bigg\vert > n \epsilon\right) < 2*exp \left( \frac{-2 n^{2}\epsilon^{2}}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(b_{i} - a_{i})^{2}} \right) \longrightarrow (2)\]

We also observe that for any Bernoulli random variable, the r.v. takes only two values, $1$ and $0$, since a Bernoulli distribution is defined as, $\mathbb{P}(X_{i}=1)=p$ and $\mathbb{P}(X_{i}=0)=(1-p)$. In the context of Hoeffding’s Inequality, the bounds for each r.v. is,

\[a_{i} \le X_{i} \le b_{i} \implies a_{i}=0, b_{i}=1, \: \forall \: i \in [0, N)\]

We can now substitue the values for $a_{i}$ and $b_{i}$ in equation $(2)$,

\[\mathbb{P}\left( \bigg\vert \sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i} - \mathbb{E}[\sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i}] \bigg\vert > n \epsilon\right) < 2*exp \left( \frac{-2 n^{2}\epsilon^{2}}{n} \right)\] \[\mathbb{P}\left( \bigg\vert \sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i} - \mathbb{E}[\sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i}] \bigg\vert > n \epsilon\right) < 2*exp \left( -2 n \epsilon^{2} \right)\]

To recap our derivations until this point, we now understand that for a certain Bernoulli distribution $X_{1}, …., X_{n}$, the probability that the observed average of this distribution of random variables deviates from their expected value $p$ by an amount $\epsilon$ is bounded by,

\[\mathbb{P}( \vert \bar{X}-p \vert > \epsilon) = \mathbb{P}\left( \bigg\vert \sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i} - \mathbb{E}[\sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i}] \bigg\vert > n \epsilon\right) < 2*exp \left( -2 n \epsilon^{2} \right)\] \[\mathbb{P}( \vert \bar{X}-p \vert > \epsilon) < 2*exp \left( -2 n \epsilon^{2} \right) \longrightarrow (3)\]

Consider the expression $\vert \bar{X_{n}} - p \vert > \epsilon$, from which we can derive,

\(\implies \bar{X_{n}} - p > \epsilon, \bar{X_{n}} - p < -\epsilon\) \(\implies \bar{X_{n}} - \epsilon > p, \bar{X_{n}} + \epsilon < p\)

Pay attention to this derivation. With the second implication, we can define a range for $p$ such that it lies outside the interval $(\bar{X_{n}} - \epsilon, \bar{X_{n}} + \epsilon)$. We now formally define this interval as,

\[C_{n} = (\bar{X_{n}} - \epsilon, \bar{X_{n}} + \epsilon) \longrightarrow (4)\]

With the definition of $C_{n}$ defined in equation ${4}$, we can express the Left Hand Side of equation ${3}$ using our newly derived range for $p$ as,

\[\mathbb{P}( \vert \bar{X}-p \vert > \epsilon) = \mathbb{P}( \bar{X_{n}} - \epsilon > p, \bar{X_{n}} + \epsilon < p) = \mathbb{P}(p \notin C_{n})\]


\[\mathbb{P}( \vert \bar{X}-p \vert > \epsilon) \leq 2*exp \left( -2 n \epsilon^{2} \right)\] \[\implies \mathbb{P}(p \notin C_{n}) \leq 2*exp \left( -2 n \epsilon^{2} \right)\]

Let $\alpha = 2*exp \left( -2 n \epsilon^{2} \right)$, we can now write the equation above as,

\[\mathbb{P}(p \notin C_{n}) \leq \alpha\] \[\implies \mathbb{P}(p \notin C_{n}) \geq 1-\alpha\]

We are finally ready to bridge the definition of a confidence interval with the parameter $p$. From the equation above, we can state that the random interval $C_{n}$ becomes a $(1-\alpha)$ confidence interval $C_{n}$ when it traps the value of parameter $p$ with the interval $C_{}n$ with a probability greater than $(1-\alpha)$.

Bounding Values of Confidence Intervals

For our example, it is very easy to compute the bounding value $\epsilon$ such that it traps the parameter $p$ within a $C_{n}$ with a probability $(1-\alpha)$. This is done using our defination of $\alpha$,

\[\alpha = 2*exp \left( -2 n \epsilon^{2} \right)\] \[\implies exp \left( -2 n \epsilon^{2} \right) = \frac{\alpha}{2}\] \[\implies exp \left( 2 n \epsilon^{2} \right) = \frac{2}{\alpha}\] \[\implies 2 n \epsilon^{2} = log \left( \frac{2}{\alpha} \right)\] \[\implies \epsilon = \sqrt{\frac{1}{2n} log \left( \frac{2}{\alpha} \right)}\]

Therefore, the confidence interval $C_{n}$ can be expressed as,

\[C_{n} = (\bar{X_{n}} - \epsilon, \bar{X_{n}} + \epsilon) = \left(\bar{X_{n}} - \sqrt{\frac{1}{2n} log \left( \frac{2}{\alpha} \right)}, \bar{X_n} + \sqrt{\frac{1}{2n} log \left( \frac{2}{\alpha} \right)} \right)\]

The value of $\alpha$, as mentioned previously, is the user’s choice. A common choice is setting $\alpha$ to $0.05$, allowing for a confidence of $95$ percent that our selected confidence interval traps the parameter $p$.

We now have a clearer understanding of confidence intervals. A confidence interval is not a probability distribution over the parameter $\theta$, which may appear intuitive when we first look at the definition of CIs, nor is it a fixed range of values that $\theta$ can take. Rather, it is more intuitive to define CIs as an interval that bounds the value of $\theta$ with a certain probability $(1-\alpha)$, hence giving it the name $(1-\alpha)$ Confidence Interval.

Here is a code snippet that can be used to simulate Confidence Intervals in a biased coin toss experiment, with 100 tosses each with a 70 percent probability of heads.

import numpy as np

ALPHA = 0.05

def simulate_unfair_cointoss(num_tosses, prob_heads):
    # Returns average number of heads among "num_tosses" coin tosses
    return np.random.binomial(num_tosses, prob_heads)/num_tosses

bucket_hit_count = 0
for i in range(NUM_SIMULATIONS):
    expected_probability = HEAD_PROB # Expected probability

    # Simulate NUM_TOSSES number of biased coin tosses 
    observed_heads_average = simulate_unfair_cointoss(NUM_TOSSES, HEAD_PROB)

    # Compute confidence interval min and max
    epsilon = np.sqrt((1/(2*NUM_TOSSES))*np.log(2/ALPHA))
    low_ci, high_ci = observed_heads_average - epsilon, observed_heads_average + epsilon

    # Increment hit count if the expected probability falls within CI bucket
    if observed_heads_average >= low_ci and observed_heads_average <= high_ci:
        bucket_hit_count += 1

print(f"Percentage of Expected Probability that falls within (1-alpha) CI: {(bucket_hit_count/NUM_SIMULATIONS)*100} percent")
